A Message from the BOE | GCSD Superintendent Search Survey

In October 2024, the Greenburgh Central School District Board of Education began a nationwide search for a Superintendent of Schools. The new Superintendent will begin on July 1, 2025.

We have hired McPherson and Jacobsen, LLC | Executive Recruitment and Development to assist with this process.

Here is a link to their website:


Finding the right match for our District is critical to the future health and success of the educational programs we offer. We are serious in adhering to the process of the search and need your participation.

The Board believes that active parent and community involvement is critical for both the development of a child as well as for the success of a public school district. 

We know your involvement in this search process will result in finding viable candidates to serve as our Superintendent.

Please take a moment to complete the survey at the following link:
