Library » Richard J. Bailey Library

Richard J. Bailey Library

Welcome to the Richard J. Bailey Elementary School Library!


"Open Library" is a block of time when you may come to the library with a friend.  During the times listed below, you may visit the library to read, check out books and do research with a pass from your teacher, or a lunch aide. 


4th grade - Day 5 & 6, Period 6 - Lunch/Recess
5th grade - Day 3 & 4, Period 5 - Lunch/Recess
6th grade - Day 1 & 2, Period 4 - Lunch/Recess
Please see me for a pass if you would like to come to the library.  Also, if you don't have a scheduled time to visit the library, we would love to see you stop by during one of the times above.  We will be happy to assist you with finding a book or magazine that may interest you.  Our library contains more than 9,000 books to choose from and many of our books are brand new!  You may search our OPALS system from home to see all of the books in our collection.  


Holly Hammond
T: 914.948.8107 Ext. 3410
E: [email protected]