Transportation » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does the Greenburgh Central School District have to provide school bus transportation?

Yes. School districts, except city school districts, are required to provide transportation to all students in grades K-12. A district’s authority to transport prekindergarten children is limited to those attending a state-approved, universal pre-kindergarten program sponsored by the district. If it is provided, the transportation must be based on a reasonable and consistent policy that treat all children “in like circumstances” in a similar manner. However, students in different grade levels are not considered to be in “like circumstances.”


2. Does the Greenburgh Central School District have to provide busing to private & parochial schools on those days that the public schools are closed?

No. Public school districts do not have to provide pupil transportation for resident students attending nonpublic schools during “optional holidays” and vacation periods provided they meet the following requirement. The district must have shared their calendar, including start/dismissal times, with their nonpublic schools. Districts must still provide transportation to students with disabilities who have an IEP ordering pupil transportation, during vacation periods and “optional holidays.” The key is to give reasonable notice, ideally the prior Spring or Summer.


3. My children require childcare in the afternoon will the Greenburgh Central School District provide transportation to their sitter’s house?

Yes, but not to the caregivers home address. Only an established bus stop nearest their home provided the care giver’s residence meets the District’s mileage eligibility requirements for your child’s grade and homeschool.

The child’s parents must request child care transportation in writing no later than April 1 preceding the next school year, except where the family moves into the district later than April 1. In that case, the request must be made within 30 days of establishing residency in the district.


4. How do I know if my child qualifies for transportation?

The Greenburgh Central School District provides transportation with voter approval to students in grades K-6 whose residence/child-care provider is at .5 mile to 15.0 miles from their school of attendance. For children in grades 7-12 whose home/childcare provider is at least 1.0 mile to 15.0 miles from their school of attendance.

Distance is measured using computer mapping, GPS and or an odometer installed in a vehicle from the student’s home to their school or from the school to the home using the most direct route.


5. My children are enrolled in a non-public school outside of the District. Does the Greenburgh Central School District provide bussing to non-public schools?

Yes. The Education Law requires that schools districts must provide transportation to non-public school students within the same mileage limits established for resident students attending public schools. The mileage limits are approved by the voters of the Town of Greenburgh. Requests for transportation must be received before April 1 of each year. Applications received late may be denied transportation.


6. My child received transportation last year but was denied this year. So why can’t they receive bussing this year?

School law states, “A district’s mistake in providing transportation to students not eligible for such services cannot serve as a basis for continuing to provide inappropriate transportation. Instead, the solution to the mistake is to discontinue such transportation.”


7. My child received a negative conduct report while riding the bus. Can they be suspended from the bus?

Yes, the Superintendent or the Board of Education may suspend a student’s transportation privilege if they are disorderly and insubordinate. When a district suspends a student’s transportation privileges, the parents or guardian of the student involved become responsible for seeing that the child gets to school.


8. My child’s bus ride is more than one hour in duration. Doesn’t the law limit the time a child can be on a bus?

No, neither the Education Law nor the commissioner’s regulations specify a maximum time limit for the transportation of students. The District does it’s best to keep travel time to a minimum for students.


9. We live in a private community will the district provide bussing for our children?

The Commissioner of Education has held that a school district is not required to provide transportation to students over privately maintained roads. However, a district may provide transportation to students over privately maintained roads with the landowner's consent. Greenburgh Central School District would give transportation but will require the landowner's permission and any bus stop must be approved by the Superintendent, the Board of Education or the Supervisor for Transportation.


10. I will be driving my children to school on most days, will they lose their seat on the bus?

No, any student who is eligible for bussing will not be denied transportation. The Greenburgh Central School District issues bus passes to eligible students, which should be displayed to the bus staff when entering the bus. If a student misplaces their pass, they should request a replacement bus pass.


11. Can the bus driver or bus monitor assign seats?

Yes, drivers and monitors may assign bus seats. This is done primarily for safety as the driver and monitor are required to minimize disciplinary problems on the vehicle.