Safety & Security » Safety & Security

Safety & Security


At Greenburgh Central School District, we take our role in helping to raise your children seriously. The Safety and Security Department is dedicated to providing a safe, secure, and nurturing environment where your child can thrive. We understand that the health and well-being of every child is paramount, and we are committed to being your partner in this effort.

If you have concerns about your child or the well-being of another child, our teachers, guidance counselors, school psychologists, social workers, nurses, and administrators are poised to assist you. Our team works proactively to prevent incidents and ensures that our schools remain safe spaces for learning. Through comprehensive safety protocols, regular drills, and strong partnerships with local law enforcement, we strive to maintain the highest standards of safety across all district facilities.Please do not hesitate to contact us with your concerns.

Thank you for your immediate attention to the contents of this letter, and thank you for entrusting us with your child's safety and development.



In the event of hazardous weather or other emergency, a decision to close schools may be made. Information will be announced to local radio and television stations, will be posted on the district’s website ( and social media platforms, and will be communicated to parents and staff via SchoolMessenger. 


Early dismissal of students and staff may be made due to emergencies such as inclement weather, power outage, fire or law enforcement activity. School closings and delayed starting times will be announced over local radio and television stations, posted on the District website and social media platforms, and communicated to affected parents and staff via SchoolMessenger.

No child in grades Pre-K through 4 will be released from school if designated individuals cannot be contacted.  An administrator and their designee will remain in the building after dismissal until all children have been picked up by authorized person(s). Students in grades 5 through 12 will be dismissed and buses will depart at the time designated by the Superintendent. Parents will be notified of these procedures at the beginning of the year so they can make arrangements for where children will go in case of early dismissal.


FOR THE FOLLOWING EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE ACTIONS, children will not be released from school. Parents/guardians should not attempt to pick up their children nor should they be present at the school. Parents/guardians should monitor communication alerts sent via SchoolMessenger and posted on the District website as they do for snow closings.


This protocol shall be used when an emergency requires students, staff and others to be sheltered safely inside buildings because it is safer inside the building than outside.


This protocol is intended to restrict movement of students and staff within the building while dealing with a short-term emergency, such as a maintenance issue or medical emergency that requires students and staff movement to be limited. 


The entire school population moves to a single or to multiple locations within each school building. The receiving areas of the building will have been checked and declared safe. The students will remain in that location until the situation has been curtailed. Short-Term Shelter in Place is most commonly used during weather emergencies. Children will NOT be released from school. Parents/guardians should NOT attempt to pick up their children nor should they be present at the school. Parents/guardians should monitor the District website and radio/television stations as they do for snow closings.


Evacuation may require exiting the building and moving away from the building until the danger has passed. In some situations, it may be necessary to evacuate students to an alternate site off campus. Transportation will be notified immediately.


This protocol curtails outside activity (e.g. physical education classes) and access to the campus is limited. This allows the school to continue the normal school day. Examples of a lockout situation include a wild animal on the property.


This protocol is used to secure school buildings and grounds during incidents that pose an immediate threat of violence in or around the school. Students, faculty and staff remain in their current location. No one is allowed to leave the building until the situation has been curtailed.