Board Trustees » Tracy C. Mairs

Tracy C. Mairs

Current Term of Office: July 1, 2023–June 30, 2026

I'm Tracy C. Mairs, your Board of Education Trustee President for the 2024/2025 school year.

I'm a lifelong Greenburgh resident who attended our public schools. I have three talented children, one in elementary school, one in our secondary Middle High School, and one who recently graduated in June 2024. During the day, I work as a Clinical Social Worker, committed to improving lives and our community as a whole by focusing on strengthening the mental and emotional health of my clients. After work and on weekends, I am committed to my family, my Greenburgh community, and its education.

I believe that an integrated approach to nurturing a student’s educational journey is essential to a successful child. Strong, sound parent and community involvement help to make successful schools. Knowing this, I am committed to universal education, improvement in community engagement and an increase in social emotional learning.

Secondly, strong fiscal planning is necessary to maintain community trust. I will work diligently within the Board of Trustees and work closely with our District administration to oversee our tax dollars.

Lastly, a solid educational curriculum is an entitlement for all of our Greenburgh children. I bring the highest of exceptions for all of our students to enjoy learning and achieve their goals while at GCSD and for years thereafter.

As a Trustee I am in a position to best support our children, and hardworking staff and make the best use of our funding and budgets. GCSD benefits from having an engaged parent who is a holistic conscious Trustee and I benefit from serving you, our community!

Please join me in volunteering for our schools, donating time to our children, or attending our GCSD events.

“A life affected by wealth and riches is not more powerful than the effect of Love on a child."