Lee F. Jackson Elementary School
Welcome to the opening of what promises to be a wonderful school year! Over the summer, the secretarial and custodial staff worked hard to complete a list of summer projects. When you return on September 3, you’ll notice some bright changes. At this time of the year, there is great anticipation of what will come. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for helping us continue to create an educationally enriched and safe environment for our students. Your support and dedication to our school and children are greatly appreciated. This year we will continue focusing on school and district-wide goals of raising student achievement and providing the resources to ensure the success of every child.
Throughout the year, I look forward to meeting the new members of our community and connecting with returning community members. I encourage families to get to know each other so that we can build new friendships. You will have a great opportunity to meet new people and see old friends at the Back-to-School Night on September 26. This is the time when parents/guardians will meet in the classrooms with teachers and learn about grade-level curriculum, projects, and expectations. And don’t forget to attend the ECP/LFJ PTA Meet & Greet on Saturday, September 7 from 12 noon to 2 p.m. at the LFJ playground.
Together, teachers, students, and parents/guardians make a strong Lee F. Jackson family. We appreciate your support as your child enters the classroom, learns, and grows through the year. Let’s all commit to having a good school year, setting everyone, students, as well as teachers, up for success.
Here’s to a great school year!
Reopening Plan
Incoming Kindergarten LFJ Open House - January 2024
International Baccalaureate Programme
Lee F. Jackson School Technology Acceptable Use Policy
2024-2025 Kindergarten Welcome Packet
2024-2025 First Grade Welcome Packet

Lee F. Jackson Elementary School
E: [email protected]